About us

Heather Lane Associates offer practical assistance to museums, libraries and archives. We provide a range of consultancy services tailored to your organisation. We are available to advise on policy and strategic planning and to assist with fund-raising, developing interpretation and widening public access to collections.

We are happy to discuss your project without obligation and can offer short or long term help, depending on your requirements.

Who we are

HL headshot May 2015.jpgHeather Lane is an Independent Consultant with over thirty years of management experience in academic and workplace libraries, museums and special collections, with a strong track record of research and publication.  She is an experienced fundraiser, with grants and awards from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, National Heritage Memorial Fund, Arts Council England, AHRC and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, amongst others.

Heather is a member of the Association of Independent Museums and the Museums Association and is a Chartered Librarian specialising in the application of IT to information resources and metadata standards. She is a consultant on the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s register of support services.

As Librarian and Keeper of Collections at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, she was Project Director of the JISC-funded Freeze Frame: historic polar images project and Director of the HLF-funded £1.75 million renovation of The Polar Museum (shortlisted for Museum of the Year 2011 and European Museum of the Year 2012). She worked as interim Chief Executive for Scarborough Museums Trust and was Project Manager for the final phase of the renovation and relaunch of the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge.

She is a Trustee of Gilbert White and the Oates Collections in Selborne, Hampshire and Chair of the North Craven Building Preservation Trust, based in Settle, North Yorkshire.


Heather Lane Associates work with a team of independent professional advisors selected to suit the needs of your project.